Report 29th World Congress of
Internal Medicine. Buenos Aires 2008
On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the
Buenos Aires Society of Internal Medicine and
the Sociedad Argentina de Medicina we wish to
thank the authorities of ISIM for the confidence
in select Buenos Aires to organize the ISIM 29th
international congress and to the executive
committee for their valuable participation.
We are convinced that the meeting was a
successful scientific event, not only in terms
of the numerous assistance of physicians from
all over the world, but also for their active
participation, that has contributed to the
excellence of postgraduate education, aim of the
Buenos Aires Society of Internal Medicine since
its foundation in 1919.
We feel that our aims and objectives were
thoroughly fulfilled and hope that had met the
expectancies of ISIM.
The 29th World Congress of Internal Medicine was
held from September 15th to 20th at the venue of
the Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel and Convention
Center. The precongress courses were held on the
premises of the Argentine Medical Association
with the participation of approximately 500
The meeting rooms were literally full of
enthusiastic and avid participants during the
six days of the congress, with 10.632 registered
physicians that participated in more than 130
scientific sessions, presented by 840 speakers
from 64 countries. 900 posters were presented
and 824 were accepted, from 47 countries.
Posters were awarded in fifteen categories and
the OSDE award to the”Best poster in clinical
investigation” and Gador award to the “Best
clinical presentation”.
Three conferences were transmitted via satellite
all over the country with 1050, 850 and 750
physicians registered that increased the
previous number of participants.
Satellite scientific activities were held
before, during and after the congress:
5º Jornadas de Medicina Interna del Centro de la
Provincia de Buenos Aires Noviembre 30 –
Diciembre 1, 2007. Tandil
Iº Congreso Patagónico de Medicina Interna.
Julio 2008. Neuquén
Iº Simposio Internacional de Demencia.
Septiembre 2 2008
Congreso de Medicina Interna de Rosario. Junio
Jornadas de Medicina Interna SMIBA. 2006 – 2007
Buenos Aires
Sesión Satélite Fundación Osde Seminario
Internacional Medicina Preventiva Genética en el
Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las Enfermedades:
Del ADN a la Medicina Interna. Buenos Aires
Sesión Satélite Fundación Osde. "Nuevos
conceptos en tratamiento del SIDA”
Sesión Satélite Fundación Osde “Enfermedades
congénitas cardíacas del adulto” Buenos Aires
Echoes of the 29th World Congress of Internal
Medicine Buenos Aires 2008.
Sociedad de Medicina Interna de La Plata.
During the congress the following meetings were
Executive Committee International Society of
Internal Medicine.
General Assembly International Society of
Internal Medicine,
General Assembly Sociedad Latinoamericana de
Medicina Interna.
Award “Maestro de los Andes” by Asociación
Médica Argentina and Universidad de Valparaíso,
Being awarded Drs. Domingo Liotta, Alfredo Bussi
and Roberto Reussi.
In conclusion, the results of the 29th World
Congress of Internal Medicine were highly
satisfactory, due not only to the numerous
participants but for the quality of the
scientific program and speakers, the number of
scientific presentations exposed, and the
camaraderie expressed by the attendees.
Once again, on behalf of the Organizing
Committee and the Buenos Aires Society of
Internal Medicine we thank and congratulate the
ISIM Executive Committee for the success of this
relevant scientific event.
Dr. Roberto Reussi
Dr. Rodolfo Bado
Secretary General